Hurrah! Hurrah!!! The new calendars are there!!!
A positive result of the Pandemic
I started this new venture a little less than a year ago… one could say: a positive result of the pandemic. In December of last year, my first “Flowers for you” calendars came out and the response was quite exciting.
A big THANK YOU to all those who showed their faith in my work and supported me by getting their very own calendar. It is for you that I took it upon myself to continue this adventure and to make sure this year’s calendars come out early enough for all. So what is new this year?

New features
The “Flowers for you 2022” comes this year in the known medium and large format. The large “Flowers for you 2022” is still in production and will be ready for you next week. I will keep you posted on that.
I have, following requests, added the name of the flower photographed in its scientific Latin name at the bottom of the photograph.
Furthermore, following other requests, an extra version of the medium size calendar comes with space to write on the dates wanted. This calendar is printed on writable paper and it does not have the name of the flowers printed, as the layout would have been too messy in my eyes.
Landscapes for you
A new calendar with landscapes!!! This summer, I had a most wonderful trip to a country I have never been to before: Crete. My project on this trip was to experiment with landscape photography and to maybe, allowing the photos were good enough, make a landscape calendar. I finally got through the photos last week and now proudly present to you my very own “Landscapes for you 2022”!!! It is in the A3 format and consists of seascapes from Western Crete.
Now its your turn!
I can’t wait to send you my calendars and to hear your feedback! So, do visit my shop and get your very own “Flowers and/or Landscapes for you 2022” !!!
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